Friday, April 30, 2010

Demonstrating at Womens Health Event

I and Berna Loy Ost and a few from the Art League will be showing our art and demonstating at the Womans Health Expo at the Riley Arena in Cody. This Saturday, May 1, 2010 from 10 - 3

3rd Annual Coke and Cody Country Art League contest

My entry in the Coke contest this year. It is titled "Coke...after Coke...after Coke". Done in colored pencil. They have some great entrys this year. Anyone in this area stop in the Art League and see all of them. Awards will be given out May 6 from 6 to 8

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wyoming Art Assc. Awards

Melodie Christensen won BEST of SHOW at the Convention. She deserves it, a great piece. Called Eye to Eye and won blue in the THEME catagory of "A Picture Paints a Thousand Words" and is in watercolor. One happy lady.
My little teapot won 2nd in the miniature division and another of mine won 3rd. Also my painting of Yellowstone Falls will be going to Washington DC to one of Wyomings congressional members offices.
All in all we had a great time.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wyoming Art Association Convention

"Sticks and Stones" pen and ink of mountain stream in the Big Horn Mountains.

The Wyoming Art Assc. Convention starts tomorrow and will be in Cody again this year. I am looking forward to it. Met lots of great artists from around Wyoming. Next year I believe it will be in Big Piney, a place I have never been so I hope to get to go. Tomorrow night is the Quick Draw and I hope to participate.

Monday, April 19, 2010

ABSAROKA Movie Shot in and near Cody

A couple of months ago I and a couple of friends got to be extras in a short movie shot here. A short version of it is on the internet now to be voted on in the Wyoming Short Film Contest. I landed on the cutting room floor but if you look fast you can see Robin. Plus I am in the credits. Ah well, my big acting career. Can not tell you how much fun this was. Any Codyites will probably see other they recognize.
Please go to the link below and see the movie and vote..
And vote. Also some other short films on there to look at. The two pieces of artwork above are about the film. One is Gem Mountain that is west of Cody on the North Fork of the Shoshone. The first part of the movie was shot there. The last part was at Old Trail Town on the West Strip of Cody. The other a pencil sketch of the two main actors.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

ARTINI A big Success

Robin and I went to the Artini Festival last night. Was alot of fun. They had a big crowd and should have done very well. Robin sampled all the maratinis while I sampled all the food. All was wonderful. I did have a couple of samples of the martinis that were mixed with everything emaginable, from ice cream, fruit, chocolate, you name it.
My little picture sold on silent auction. Was pleased with that.

The photo shown here are the two martine glasses that Robin and I painted. She did the one with olives, raspberries and other things, mine was just raspberries.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"ARTINI" event at the Terrace in Cody

Artini is an event put on by the Terrace Supper Club and the Park County Arts Council. The main event is a Bartender contest with thier recipes for martinis and the artists created artwork about martinis. I think it will be alot of fun. It is Saturday April 17. The picture is my entry. I photographed it myself so it does not show up to good. A friend and I are painting on a couple of martini glasses. We will see how they come out. Come have a martini