Thursday, September 30, 2010

CODY ART SHOW the First Annual Pony Express Paint Out

Some photos I took at our first Pony Express Paint Out. This was done at the Boot Skoot'n Boogie in front of the Irma Hotel. There were 10 of us that worked on the painting. My photo of the painting is terrible. We want to get it professionally photographed. We were all pretty pleased with it for doing it in a hurry. It was sold by Silent Auction and I will post the high bidder as soon as I can notify him.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Oil Painting of the Big Horn Basin

Thats right, an oil painting. Something rare for me but this was done on location at the Ost Ranch a few years back. I entered it in a show about the Big Horn Basin and it was accepted and will hang for awhile at Northwest College in Powell, WY. It will be taken there Oct 5 for the show. It is titled Basen Oasis and is 16x20 on masonite.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

CODY ART SHOW upstairs at historic Irma Hotel

Come on in to the Cody Art Show starting Sept 23. Reception on Friday in the Governors room and artists exhibit rooms. Fine Art, Fine food and wine. Come join us. Starting 5 pm

Thursday, September 16, 2010

CODY ART SHOW upstairs in the Historic Irma Hotel

It is coming fast. The show starts a week from today. Wow.
On thursday starting at 4 PM we will be part of the Boot Skooten Boogie and doing our first annual Pony Express Paint Out. I hope you can come watch the fun. We plan to get wild and wooly with a paint brush.
Our reception will be Friday starting at 5 in the Governors Room and continuing upstairs in the Artists Rooms. We have 7 new artists this year, John Peterson, Lynne Jordan, Rebecca McClive, Barbara Butler, Mary Wood, Nancy Ferrington, and Christy Daniels.
Three guest artists who will be with us this year only. Tom Bradshaw, Tyler Murphy and Lance Johnson.
Us old timers are Berna Loy Ost, Karen Petrovich, Robin Berry, Mary Michael, Melody Christensen, Pat Schermerhorn, Elene Weege and Alan Swenson.
We have a wide variety of art, western, wildlife, landscapes, horses, still life, portaits. From oils, watercolor, bronzes, pencil, pen and ink and wood burning.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

CODY ART SHOW Artist Pat Schermerhorn

Yeah, it's me. A commission I did last winter for some very nice people here in Cody. This was done in pastel. Have never done to many teepees so this was fun. Since then have gone on to paint teepees on leather for the same people.
I am in room #20 upstairs in the Historic Irma Hotel Sept 23-25.

CODY ART SHOW Artist Nancy Ferringon

Nancy Ferrington of Cody is one of our new members this year. Nancy does bronzes, pastels and watercolor. She loves mules and commisions portraits of both mules and horses. She is room #17 upstairs in the Historic Irma Hotel.

CODY ART SHOW Sept 23-25 upstairs at the Historic Irma Hotel

Friday, September 3, 2010

CODY ART SHOW Artist Christy Daniels

This bronze was done by Christy Daniels of Huson, MT. Christy is one of our new members this year and is in room #15 upstairs at the Historic Irma Hotel.
This bronze really means something to me as it is based on her two uncles who I knew for years from Almont and Morton County, ND.

CODY ART SHOW Artist Robin Berry

These two paintings are by Robin Berry of Cody. Both done in pastel. The lake is Yellowstone Lake. Robin is one of the founding members of the Cody Art Show.
She is in room #30 Upstairs at the Historic Irma Hotel, Sept. 23-25, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

CODY ART SHOW Artist Barbara Butler

Oils by Barbara Butler of Billings, Montana. One of our new artists for the Cody Art Show. She will be in room #19 Upstairs in the Historic Irma HOtel, Sept 23-25.

CODY ART SHOW Artist Melody Christensen

Watercolor painting by Melody Christensen of Cody. She is one of the original artists in the Cody Art Show. she works in watercolor, acrylic and pencil. She will be in room # 35 Upstairs in the Historic Irma Hotel for the Cody Art Show, Sept. 23-25, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

CODY ART SHOW Artist Alan Swenson

The painting is by Alan Swenson of Cody. Alan works in oils but also does alot of sketching. He is part of the thursday night group who hire models and sketch in the winter months. Alan is the president of our Blue Buffalo Artists and a member of the Cody Art Show for 2 years. He is in room #27 Upstairs at the Historic Irma Hotel for the Cody Art Show, Sept 23-25. Come and see him and the other fantastic artists.