Sunday, July 19, 2009

Trip to Shell Falls in the Big Horns

My Brother, Roy, is here from California. We took a trip to the Big Horns and Shell Falls. Was a very pretty day. We also visited the Medicine Wheel.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Day in the Big Horn Mountains

What a great day we had exploring and painting at 5 Springs in the Big Horns. The day was great. The Wild Flowers are just a blanket this year and everything so green. Hope we can keep going.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wild Horse and Western Art Show and Sale

Five of my paintings will be exhibited this weekend, July 10 and 11, at the Wild Horse and Western Art Show in Rock Springs, Wyoming. This is the 7th year of this show. It was started in conjunction with the Bureau of Land Managements Wild Horse and Burro Show held in Rock Springs for several years. I am one of 33 artists accepted this year.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Tompkins Gallery, Montana Ave Galleries Sidewalk Paint Out

July 3 was 2009 "Wet Paint on Montana Ave Show" in Billings. Representing the "CODY ART SHOW Upstairs at the Irma" were Bob Tompkins, whose Gallery was one of the hosts, Berna Loy Ost, Mary Michael and Pat Schermerhorn.
Photos are Bob Tompkins in his gallery, Berna and Marys exhibit in Bobs Gallery, My exhibit in the Prodigal Gallery. These displays will continue to hang for at least another week.
If you are ever in Billings visit the 2500 block of Montana Ave. Five Galleries on this Block and they hosted this event. The Toucan Gallery, del Alma Gallery, Harry Koyama Fine Art, Tompkins, Tanner and Degenhart Fine Art Gallery and Prodigal Gallery. All fantastic galleries. Eleven artists were invited to set up on the Sidewalk and demonstrate thier Art. It rained a little at the very beginning then cleared off and was a beautiful evening with lots of people attending.
Good job and hope we are invited again.

A Trip to the Big Horns.

June 26 found Berna, Mel and Me taking a day trip to the Big Horn Mountains. Our distination was Ranger Creek on top of Shell. What a great day we had. Our intentions were to Paint and Sketch but it drizzled rain all day so we took photos, scouted out some great places to go back to paint and just went sight seeing. We hope to make this a weekly event.