"A Peek into the Beartooth" 5x7 pen and ink. My website is updated with couple little glitchs to be corrected. PatSchermerhorn.com I am featuring small works. Check out the page on my website.
I have an ad in the November December issue of the Art of the West in the Holiday Miniatures Showcase. Check it out. I have many miniature works and check out my website, PatSchermerhorn.com A seperate page is going to be made next week but check out all my art catagories for the small works. I also have prints, notecards and a line of stationery. Start Christmas shopping now.
"Mountain Winter" Small pen and ink I did few years back. But past two days brings winter to mind. Beartooth pass closed yesterday and roads in YNP were closed part of the day because of snow. Not ready for that yet. Now the sun has come out and very pretty out.
It is raining and cool, a good time to visit the Library and get some good books to read. While there check out my art display. I am showing with Nancy Ferrington and Mel Christensen. Mine includes a framed print of "Out of the Dust", my buffalo, plus Waiten Around and THE LAW. Plus some original small paintings. Starting to think Christmas and getting displays round for that.
Pat is a professional artist living in Cody, Wyoming. She does pen and ink pointillism or pastels. Also enjoys doing other mediums. She sells the originals or prints of western, wildlife and landscape paintings. View and enjoy my art. It can also been seen at www.patschermerhorn.com
The summer 2008 issue of Horses in Art has published an article by me on Pointillism.It is in the magazine but also on line. www.horsesinart.com and click on currant issue and you can read the article. I will be giving a workshop in October in Vasselboro, Maine on Pointillism and Horses. This will be October 4-8. Anyone interested in taking this workshop please contact me or go to http://sitekreator.com/neeae
Patriotic Skies
CODY ART SHOW at the Historic Irma Hotel in downtown Cody Wyoming Sept. 24-27, 2008
Animals of the West
Left side of my grizzley. Photo by Elijah Cobb
Animals of the West
My finished grizzley for the Park County Library. One of 25 that will be auctioned off in October of 2008.To see more of these bears go to www.grizgathering.com and click on each artist. Elijah Cobb of Cody is the photographer.
Teapot on Red
This 5 x 7 pen and ink has been accepted in the Jack Richeson 75 compitition. The show is April 25 to June I at the Jack Richeson School of Art in Kimberly, Wis. It will be on their website as well. www.richesonart.com but not until at least the first of April.
I'll be at the Western Heritage Art Show at the Holiday Inn in Great Falls, MT. March 12-16,2008. I will be in room #111. See our ad in the Jan/Feb issue of Art of the West Magazine. See you there.
"Waiten Around"
This painting will be one of my paintings showing at the Grand National Western Art Show and Sale at the Cow Palace in San Francisco, Calif. April 4 - 12, 2008
Howl-a-lujah Chorus
pen & ink pointillism. My newest painting.
My entry to the Western Spirit Art Show March 1 to April 13, 2008 in Cheyenne, WY