Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tour of the Grizzlies

April 5 the Cody Trolley will be giving people tours of the Bears around town. There will be 3 tours, each starting at the Shoshone Bank downtown. They start 10, 11:45 and 1:15. Our bears at the Berrys is second on the tour and each tour will end at Stone Soup. Think they will be going to 5 or 6 locations.
So time to do some house cleaning, both at Robins and at Stone Soup. And get the Bears done.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Some links of interest

I have a couple of links people might like to see. First: I was listed in the November issue of Wildlife Art Magazine under artists profiles. There is a link now that you can see that. and on the left hand side it shows the cover of the November issue. Scroll down to 45 and click. There I am. Also if you click on my website it will take you there.

Second: Christy Daniels photo and info about her bronze "The Crossing" can be seen on This bronze was inspired by her two uncles, long time Almontl,ND cowboys Jack Chase and M.G.Olson. The cowboy on the bronze was modeled after Jack and the brand on all the horses is M.G.s

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Poppy to West Yellowstone

Poppy is now done and is waiting to travel to West Yellowstone with Lulubelle next week. They will be unveiled on June 14, 2008 in West Yellowstone, Montana. Robin and I will be there for the ceremony and will be demonstrating at Madison Crossing there.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Western Heritage Art Show in Great Falls, MT

The picture is my Quick Draw in Great Falls. It was purchased by a gentleman from Colorado. The show was great, we had nice crowds and I sold pretty well. Was very pleased. One of our members, Christy Daniels, had a piece in the CMRussell show. It took Best of Show. Great, but what was really great the models for this bronze were her two uncles who happened to be old time cowboys from Almont, ND.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I am getting ready to leave for Great Falls

My suitcase is packed and I am ready to go. I'll be leaving tuesday morning. Going to the Western Heritage Art Show at the Holiday Inn in Great Falls, MT. I'll be in room 111 if anyone is in Great Falls. This is always a fun time, see lots of old friends. I'll be in the Quick Draw on thursday night plus selling my art out of my room March 12 thru the 16th.
My bear and buffalo calf will just have to wait tell I get home.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Another Bear has Appeared

Linda Raynolds got her bear today. He will reside at Stone Soup Studios while she works on him. Will be fun to see him progress.
I think she has gotten one of the last ones now.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Robin working on Mama

Robin getting a really good start on putting in all the cubs.