Sunday, February 27, 2011

Western Spirit Art Show, Cheyenne, WY

"On the Shelf" my entry in the Western Spirit Art Show, held at the Old West Museum in Cheyenne. Opening reception is March 4 and goes tell the middle of April. Sure wish I could be there but won't this year. I have gone in the past and been in the quick Draw. It is always a great show. I also have a miniature in the miniature show.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Winter is Back

This winter scene I did a few years ago and was my Christmas card that year. Fits today, it is cold, breezy and snowing a little. We are lucky and not getting like some places but still winter.
The painting is for sale and I do have it on hand.
I am staying by the fire today, hope you are too.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Painting "Rock Creek" in Paint America

This miniature painting, "Rock Creek" has gotten an Honorable Mention in the Paint America Mini Show. They select top 100 and from that they select top 50 to be in the show. I did not make that but got in the top 100. Wow, Wow, Wow.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Show in Red Lodge

Couple of photos from my week end in Red Lodge. Very nice reception on friday night. Not many came but still nice. Some of my friends from Cody came. Berna and Leonard on Friday night and Melody and Terry on Saturday. Made me feel good. Ate so much chocolate. Table just filled with it. k
Stayed in a nice motel on the north edge of Red Lodge. CAlled the Alpine Motel. Inexpensive and very nice rooms. Slept like a log. Every going to Red Lodge give them a call.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I found out today that this beautiful Shire has died. This painting that I did of him has been so lucky for me. He was always down down for the Christmas Walk. Just a gentle beautiful giant. My condolences Patsy

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My First handmade ReBound Journal

My very first handmade journal, leaves alot of room for improvement but it was fun. Took the class from Charlene who makes alot of these of different kinds. I am thinking this one will serve as a keepsake of the Red Lodge show.

It is snowing here and has all morning. But not piling much. We are pretty lucky considering many parts of the country.